Sunday, December 22, 2019

Branches Of Government And The Constitution - 852 Words

Branches of Government The United States Constitution developed the three branches of government because under the Articles of Confederation, the government did not have enough power to deal with the consist emerging problems that were occurring at the time. Such problems lead to the Constitutional Convention, which was how the three branches of government were created (The Constitution, 2015). Traditionally, the branches of government are broken up into three different aspects, which have different functions that help the government run smoothly. The three branches of government are: the Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch, and the Judicial Branch. Legislative Branch In order to help make the laws, the legislative branch is used. The legislative branch is split up into two houses, which are the House of Representatives and the Senate (The Constitution, 2015). The House of Representatives is responsible for making and passing federal laws that are to be followed by the states. The House of Representatives is made up of no more than 435 people who are responsible for the 50 states (U.S. House of Representatives, 2016). The number of representatives per state depends on how big the state population is. For example, California would have more representatives than Rhode Island would because California has a bigger population. The representatives are elected to serve a two-year term to serve on the House and are a part of the decision making when it comes to serving onShow MoreRelated The U.S. Constitution: Checks Balances Essay1283 Words   |  6 PagesThe U.S. Constitution is the foundation of American governance. Since its cre ation in 1878, the Constitution remains as the foundation of governance for the Republic and stands as the oldest living Constitution in the world. To prevent a tyranny of the majority will – or of one part of governance – it became necessary to ensure the several branches of government remained separate. 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