Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Fugitive Slave Act Essay Example

The Fugitive Slave Act Essay As the evolution of this report on Fugitive Slave Act goes into progression you will learn about what this act changed in the world we live in today. This report will help you understand what differences this Act bought forth to the nation in a whole. I will cover plenty of aspects to make up what the Fugitive Slave Act stood for.On January 29, 1850, the 70-year-old Clay presented a compromise. For eight months members of Congress, led by Clay, Daniel Webster, Senator from Massachusetts, and John C. Calhoun, senator from South Carolina, debated the compromise. With the help of Stephen Douglas, a young Democrat from Illinois, a series of bills that would make up the compromise were ushered through Congress. The Fugitive Slave Act was created in 1850 as a part of groups of laws. Those laws were in reference to the Compromise of 1850. It was created in the compromise that antislavery advocated to the gain of California to be as a free state. The group of laws that were created mandated the return of runaway slaves, regardless of where in the Union they might be situated at the time of their discovery or capture.(Foner)Along with the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the ratification of Kansas admission for free statehood; this legislation is part of the chain of events which culminated in the American Civil War. The Kansas-Nebraska Act stated that slavery question would be decided by popular sovereignty.In addition, Fugitive Slave Act prohibited slave-trading in the District of Columbia and also required that the citizens be assistants in the recovery of fugitive slaves. It also denied a fugitives right to a jury trial. Ironically, the passage of this law grew great resentment by the abolitionists. The abolitionists detested the law because majority of the Americans embraced the law.The reason this act was created to free slaves and make abolitionists resolve their differences and put an end to slavery. Even though it was

Monday, November 25, 2019

20 Exploratory Essay Topics What Issues Can Be Used to Write about Nacirema Culture

20 Exploratory Essay Topics What Issues Can Be Used to Write about Nacirema Culture When you are looking for some top notch topics appropriate for your next exploratory paper, there are many ideas which are viable candidates. But the list is so comprehensive, in fact, that it can seem overwhelming for students trying to narrow down a single topic. That said, below is a list of 20 great exploratory essay topics which might be of use to you in your paper: How Ethnographic Studies Have Been a Primary Method For Gathering Research on the Nacirema Culture How Religious Diversity Varies among the Nacirema Culture How Gender Differences Compare between the Nacirema Culture and Another Culture of Your Choosing How Ethnographies Can Be Used to Teach the Nacirema Culture or to Integrate People in Another Community of the Nacirema Culture Compare Cross Cultural Concepts between the Nacirema Culture and a Culture of Your Choice Similarities between Nacirema Music and African Music Immigration Patterns among the Nacirema Culture over a Specific Decade in America or from Europe/Africa to America What Role Agriculture Has Played on the Nacirema Culture Growth and Global Expansion What Non-Conformist Sub-Cultures Have Become Popular among the Nacirema Culture like Star Wars Fans or Porn Stars How Work Completed by Non-Field Workers about the Nacirema Culture Is Valid Scientific Studies How Women’s Roles and Gender Rights Have Changed among the Nacirema Culture How Women’s Roles and Gender Rights Compare among the Nacirema Cultural Subgroups How Human Rights in Nacirema Culture Compare to India How Nacirema People View Other Cultures through the Lens of Their Own Nacirema Culture How Nacirema Culture Is Divided into Sub-groups and Why What Cultural Shifts Have Happened among the Nacirema Culture since the 2008 Election Trends That Take Place among the Nacirema Culture as Indicated by Popular Television Shows and Books Cultural Limitations Which Exist between the Nacirema Culture and Russian Culture Anthropological Issues between Eastern Healers Popular in Immigrant Subgroups of the Nacirema Culture and Western Biomedicine Ethical Problems Which Arise among Parenting Styles in Different Subgroups of the Nacirema Culture Aren’t those interesting? The Nacirema Culture has many areas which can be explored and with this list in mind, you can find a topic that you are truly interested in learning more about. Moreover, we provide you with astounding facts on the Nacirema culture that you can use in   your writing. You can also avail of the writing guide on exploratory essays that is designed to help you. That being said, below is an essay sample on one of the topics above to give you a better idea of what is required: Exploratory Essay Sample: How Ethnographies Can Be Used to Teach the Nacirema Culture or to Integrate People In Another Community of the Nacirema Culture Today there are many ways that individuals can learn not only about their culture but about other cultures. It remains a topic of debate as to which methods of teaching are best suited for understanding and appreciating different cultures or subgroups within an existing culture. Ethnographies are a critical component in this style of learning, something which can mix more cognitively difficult and confusing scientific discoveries with anecdotes and stories to present the information in a more easily digested fashion. This is in fact the most appropriate source of teaching cultural differences to people within the Nacirema Culture or to teach other communities about the Nacirema Culture because it remains a current facet of the Nacirema culture to want information that is quickly understood, does not require a great deal of reading, and is simplistic in its diction and economy. Ethnographic studies are unique forms of anthropological studies that remain a viable asset in teaching about the Nacirema culture or teaching to the Nacirema culture. With such studies, researchers can answer questions through observation rather than through quantitative measures. Some cultural questions in fact cannot be answered with quantitative studies and are best addressed through the use of ethnography. Every culture has complicated questions about its existence which cannot be answered by a design method quantitative in nature or by a survey. Some of these more complicated questions have to be answered through collections, analysis, and interpretations of information. Understanding bullying and the origins of bullying among adolescent boys in the Nacirema culture can be researched through the holistic viewpoint of ethnographies. This type of study would observe the associated group of people in their natural setting and collect said observations as the key source of data. Interviews can also be used as a method of clarifying the observations which were made. The researcher would be able to, in this fashion, pay attention to the environment as well as the context of the subjects as they interact with one another. This study would take place over a long period of time so that the researcher could experience the regular routines or patterns among the group being observed and witness how the group responds to different situations or new situations. The researcher would assume the position of the learner, someone who knows little about the topic but is attempting to learn within the natural setting. This form of study is best used to understand the origins of bullying among adolescent males in the Nacirema culture because it can be used to find meaning for cultural viewpoints or norms. It can also be used to find reasons behind certain cultural practices or behaviors. It can be used to examine different social trends like that of bullying or to look for different social interactions. It can also be the best way to understand the role of relationships among the bullies. Completing this form of study is better at serving the purpose compared to a quantitative study or qualitative survey because both of these other forms of learning would only uncover statistical information such as how many students among adolescent boys are bullied or bully, or perhaps how prevalent it is among different subgroups of the Nacirema culture. But no survey can collect information on the origins or why it happens, or the relationship among the cultural members. No quantitative study can review the mea ning behind the practice or what viewpoints bullies have about it. It is for this reason that the ethnographic study is the best teaching tool for teaching to the Nacirema Culture or for teaching other communities about the Nacirema Culture. References Boulanger, Clare L.  Reflecting On America. Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2008. Print. Brown, Marie Scott. Maternal-Child Care In Nacirema.  Image: the Journal of Nursing Scholarship18.2 (1986): 74-77. Web. Davis, Dorothy. Teaching The Nacirema About The Nacirema.  Teaching Anthropology: Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges Notes  10.1 (2003): 22-38. Web. DeVita, Philip R, and James D Armstrong.  Distant Mirrors. Australia: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2002. Print. Dimsdale, Joel E. The Nacirema Revisited.  Annals of Behavioral Medicine  23.1 (2001): 75-76. Web. Hagan, Frank E., and Peter J. Benekos. The Nacirema Revisited: A Pedagogical Tool For Teaching Criminological Theory.  Journal of Criminal Justice Education  13.1 (2002): 25-34. Web. Johnson, Sylvester A. The Rise Of The Nacirema And The Descent Of European Man: A Response To Manuel A. Vsquez’S More Than Belief.  Method Theory in the Study of Religion  24.4-5 (2012): 464-481. Web.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Compare and contrast the role of New Public Management in health care Essay

Compare and contrast the role of New Public Management in health care reform in Germany and the UK from the 1980s onwards - Essay Example The planning of health care reform by the New Public Management (NPM) emphasized several targets including public/ private partnerships and a concern for quality through total quality management (Thomas & Lakhani, 2006: 141). Most reforms and improvements in the health care sector were based on NPM principles and took place during the late 1980s and 1990s, which was the decade of the welfare state retrenchment. New public management principles were considered to be more appropriate for analysing health care reforms than other concepts like privatisation, though NPM emphasizes â€Å"both market-based reforms and the use of private management styles in the public sector† (van Essen, 2005: 3). Since the Second World War, two main types of health care systems have developed in Europe. Firstly the national health service type that is present in the United Kingdom, and secondly a corporatist, insurance-based type of health care system as found in Germany (van Essen, 2005: 7). Health care is not only highly valued by all individuals in society, it is also a social right. Hence, there is a requirement for equal accessibility of health care for all citizens, without exclusion. The undesirability of exclusion and market failures in financing and provision give legitimacy to state intervention in health care. Thus, in order to solve the market failures in health care and and to ensure universal, equal access, two different systems are developed in Europe. In the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS), providers are mainly public organizations; for example most hospitals in the U.K. are led by the local governments. On the other hand, in the insurance-based system found in Germany, hospitals and other health care providers can be both public and private organizations. For instance, German hospitals are voluntary organizations which operate on a private basis (van Essen, 2005: 10, 12). The National

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The difference between Realism and Neorealism Essay

The difference between Realism and Neorealism - Essay Example The neorealism ideology is an advanced link to the classic realism and this has been duly highlighted within the length of this paper. This will give an idea on how realism and neorealism are understood within a global context and how their differences have facilitated the political settings in this day and age. It will tackle the debate regarding how realism has shaped up the neorealism nuances and how neorealism differs from classic realism from the outset of such analyses. Introduction Realists are frequently faced with the consequence of being intellectually smart with Thucydides’ classic saga of the Peloponnesian War which occurred in the fifth century BC. It would date back to about 2500 years when the study of world politics started to take place as an institutionalized field of academics as well as for the initial classical realists to come about within this newly inaugurated discipline. It is important to focus on the classical form of realism as compared to neorealis m which is a necessary element of the mainstream literature available today. Even though realism is different from neorealism, it would be significant to understand which of the two is an advanced form of the other one? (Waltz, 1979). Since realism is involved with the world as it essentially is as compared to how it should be, neorealism is more commonly associated with international politics as a whole. The two forms in effect suggest the distinction towards human nature (classic realism) and emphasis on international politics (neorealism). This paper highlights the two forms have their marked differences and weighs the pros and cons that come along with the same (Keohane, 1986). When this has been done, the study will find out which one is an advanced form of the other, and how the two can co-exist alongside one another to achieve a solid basis for the people who believe in such ideologies and have a comprehension regarding these from time to time. In the following paragraphs, bo th realism and neorealism will be explained in detail and then their differences will be highlighted upon (Wendt, 1999). Focus on Realism In order to understand what realism is, it is necessary to know what it stands for. Realism is related to some form of reality in every form of context that one studies it. When one sees realism from the domains of philosophy, it is a documentation of philosophical realism which suggests for the perspective of reality existing in freedom of some observers. Similarly, realism in arts and scientific realism is a couple of other distinctive realism’s basis which takes place in separate disciplines. It is indeed a philosophy of mind which is deeply rooted within the common sense philosophy related with perception and at times is remarked as naive realism (Mutch, 2009). This naive realism has been a manifestation of direct realism which when differentiated from representative realism gives out a perspective that human beings cannot perceive and analyze the external world in a direct fashion. Realism at times is pessimistic and concentrates upon the repeating patterns of politics backed up by power as demonstrated by recurring conflicts and rifts, the tussles and rivalries. Since this seems like a world full of negativity and immense gloom, realism is a concept that is linked in close resemblance with the balance of power as well as the security question which essentially gain essence as the chief analytical tools within the aegis of realism (Crawford, 2002). Realists give enough importance on the premise of the state within the discussions that emanate from the domains of international politics. Also they believe that the national interest gains more impressions. This is their regional ego

Monday, November 18, 2019

Target Express Expanding Strategy to Urban Markets, Customers Term Paper

Target Express Expanding Strategy to Urban Markets, Customers - Term Paper Example 10). Superior guest service is achieved through the combination of a variety of resources such as the use of guest call buttons, mobile apps-Target app and Cartwheel, strategic placement of items on shelves, increased speed at checkout. The involvement of almost all of the firm’s resources in improving guest service makes it difficult for the competitors to imitate because they may not have the exact similar resources as those available to Target Express. About the Target corporate culture, team members are used as the resources to achieve success. The corporate culture is different and distinct from any other companies. Since the corporate culture involves the employees of Target and their dedication specifically, it becomes very difficult for competitors to imitate the same (Goldberg et al. 41). Further, the corporate culture involves a bundle of resources which creates uniqueness and as such rendering it unsubstitutable. â€Å"The System† on the other hand is composed of a variety of resources such as enormous databases used to store the client’s needs and several computers. The bundles of resources employed by The System and the linkages between them are rare. The System is inimitable due to the vast amount of programming involved, the bundles of resources that are linked together, path dependence and the causal ambiguity created in The System (Goldberg et al. 41). In light of Target Express’s desire of expansion into the urban markets, it is necessary that core competencies are either improved or acquired/exploited where previously non-existent. Two of the core competencies that require improvement/acquisition are discussed as follows: There are plans to provide store employees with iPod Touches, which will help employees to keep track of inventory and thus enhance service delivery to the guests. The customers may also use the touches to

Friday, November 15, 2019

Language The Singapore English English Language Essay

Language The Singapore English English Language Essay The nations which were once part of the British colony now are referred to as new nations and address the importance of English as a language of communication (Platt, Weber Lian:1984:1). Any language has a dual character: it is both means of communication and a carrier of culture.( Burke, Crowley Girvin:2000:436) Language as communication has three aspects or elements. First is the language of real life. A human community really starts its historical being as a community of co-operation in production. Production is co-operation, is communication, is language, is expression of a relation between human beings and it is specifically human. The second aspect is speech imitates language of real life, communication in production. The third aspect is the written sign; imitates the spoken. Writing is representation of sounds with visual symbols. Communication between human beings is the basis and process of evolving culture (lead to heritage). Language as communication and culture are products of each other. Communication creates culture: culture is a means of communication. Language carries culture, and culture carries, particularly through orature and literature, the entire body of values by which we come to perceive ourselves and our place in the world ( Burke, Crowley Girvin:2000:438). New Englishes are used as an official or second language and is the regular language of communication used by a group of people in at least in some areas of everyday activities. The background of new English development consists of areas where education in English meant education in a language unlike the home language of the pupils or languages they may hear around them in street and markets (Platt, Weber Lian:1984:6). Dividing English according to background three different types emerge: local non-English language for wider communication, local English-based pidgin language for wider communication, English-based creoles (Platt, Weber Lian:1984:9). Singapore is an Island made of 4 million, 76.8% Chinese, 13.9% Malay, 7.9% Indian, 1.4% other races (Lim: 2004:2). Singapore is a name derived from the two Malay words, singa meaning Lion and pura meaning city. The Lion city or Singapore has three major ethnicities: Malay, Chinese and Indian. On the other hand it has two minor ethnicities: Eurasians and Europeans. English language plays an important role in uniting these different ethnicities in Singapore (Lorenz: 2006:4). The country has four official languages: Tamil, Chinese Mandarin, English and Malay. All children in Singapore achieve basic competency and reasonable fluency in two of the four official languages, mainly English and another language. Even though English of Chinese Singaporeans is very distinct from Malay Singaporeans they share similar features. For example, for pronunciation egg rhymes with vague but not with peg. For syntax both Chinese and Malay Singaporeans often use will to refer to a regular event and would to express tentativeness. For lexicon, all races use borrowed words such as kiasu (afraid to lose out from Hokkien) and makan (eat, from Malay) (Deterding: 2007:5). Singapore was established part of the British empire in 1819. At that time there were was a small population of Malay farmers living in the area, the immigrants started increasing in number gradually. First, the Chinese and then followed by the Indians. The Indian immigrants were small in number and many of them were teachers, this made their influence on Singapore English very distinct (Smith Forman:1997:2). British colonization of the Lion City, was not only physical it was mental as well. Important area of domination of colonialism was mental universe of colonized: the control, though culture, of how people perceived themselves and their relationship with the real world(Burke, Crowley Girvin:2000:438-439). The goal of the mental colonization was to take control of the language of the people. The language through which they are defined because it is the carrier of their culture (Burke, Crowley Girvin:2000:436-437). The introduction of English to Singapore was during the colonial period. As part of the British empire, there were changes reinforced especially related to the educational system, so as to ensure the continuity of the English language. In schools the first English teachers were native speakers, but as the colony grew and more schools were established, local English teachers were recruited from whom were educated in the colony schools (Platt, Weber Lian:1984:3). The availability of education through English medium resulted in people speaking a whole range of different speech varieties from creole to a type close to standard English. This situation was called post-creole speech continuum. Speech between people who speak standardized English and those of higher education unlike speech between people of no formal education speaking creole or modified creole. Speech between people using standardized English and highly educated can be considered as new English (Platt, Weber Lian:1984:8). Pidgins are simplified languages excluding the standardized features such as verb tenses, difference between subject and object pronoun. Speakers of an English-based creole were taught English in schools in some parts of the world. A creole is a speech variety that has developed from pidgin (Platt, Weber Lian:1984:7). New Varieties of English refer to the varieties of the language spoken or written by a group of people. Criteria for New English: developed through an education system, developed in area where native variety of English was not spoken language by most of population, used for range of functions among those who speak or write it in the region where it is used, has become localized or nativized (Platt, Weber Lian:984:2-3). Singapore English is considered natvized is due to the fact that is used widely and serves many functions. Part of the grammatical system in Singapore is the passive voice. Colloquial Singapore English contains two specific passive structures, the so-called kena passive and the give passive. The give and kena- constructions are derived from the languages of Chinese and Malay respectively (Lorenz:2006:3). Analyzing Singapore English, it can be divided into Standard Singapore English and Singlish. The Standard Singapore English is similar to the British or American Standard English. While the Singlish is a compound word formed from Singaporean and English, thus it is English-based Creole spoken colloquially in Singapore (Lorenz: 2006:5). In colloquial Singapore English, there are four types of passive constructions. The regular passive with the auxiliary be and get passive. It is a superstrate language with English origin. Furthermore, there are two passive- like constructions, the kena passive of Malay origin and the give passive of Chinese roots. These two passive constructions form the main substrate languages. These two constructions are distinctive of the Colloquial Singapore English, unlike the get passive and the regular passive which can be found in both Standard English and Colloquial Singapore English. The following example to elaborate (Lim 2004:97-98): John (was) scolded by his boss; the passive auxiliary is normally be as demonstrated in this example which is identical in structure to the passive to Standard British or American English except for the copula verbs optionality. John got scolded by his boss; this construction is the so-called get passive. In most cases get has no expressed animate agent, however in this example get with an animate agent (by his boss) is not unknown. Downings (1996:2003) research confirmed the general view that get passives are typically agentless. She argues that the get passive construction carries with it additional meanings of causation and responsibility which are absent from the be-passive. In formal style, the get passive is avoided. Even in colloquial English it is much more uncommon than the passive with auxiliary be. John kena scolded by his boss; an example of kena passive. The kena passive is like the English passive shown in the first example semantically it patterns with the give passive which we can see in the next example. John give his boss scold; give in this example is used as a normal verb( Lorenz: 2006:6). Lexical innovation are visible as linguistic processes which introduce word-stock changes of a language. Common processes include: affixation (feminism, ageism, heightism), compounding (callgirl, downsize, born-again), clipped forms (sitcom, cab), backformations (typewrite, burgle, stinge/stint), blending (smog, motel, cineplex), grammatical shift (to chair, to head), common words from proper names (platonic, Machiavellian) and borrowing (loanwords). Singapore offers an example of a country where spontaneous daily interaction among speakers of several languages over a period of time has led to lexical innovation processes. Loanwords freely enter the lexicon from all the background languages (songkok, cheongsam, sari) as well as compounds unique to the context of Singapore such as orchid dress and orchid shirt. Semantic shifts also occur (e.g. deadline to dateline) and also some semantic extensions (stay and live are used interchangeably to mean the same thing). These lexical items ar e new emergent forms some of which have been recognized and identified but not yet fully analyzed and codified (85-86). To get deeper insight of the language three English newspapers texts published from 1991 to 1994 were analyzed. The Straits Times (ST), The Business Times(BT), and The New Paper (NP). ST is morning daily close to 1 million readers, BT has small and focused readership coming from the finance and industry sectors, NP is an afternoon tabloid that caters to a wide and general readership by deliberately using less specialized terms and including more basic vocabulary items, especially those used by Singaporeans in general (86). Compounds in Singapore English are unique of cultural meanings or Singaporean concerns which it reflects. Many of the lexical innovations are found in reference to food and utensils used in preparation of food. It also refers to dress, buildings or physical landscape, and relationships. fish head curry: But imagine building up an apetite for tandoori chicken and finding fish head curry on your plate (89). birds nest: Genuine birds nest is a delicacy too expensive to be found in most hawker centers. chili crab: There Singapores gold medal heroes out away giant helpings of chili crab. Fishball: Ah Liang ran a popular fishball guo tiau (kway teow) stall at Jahlan Batu. Loveletter: why complain when like the feast of pineapple tarts, kuey bankit and loveletters you get everywhere, you get a galaxy of stars at cinema (90). Utensils: Claypot: this is a traditional Chinatown recipe, of rice and meat cooked in a claypot. tiffin carrier: Sogo has a delightful three-tiered tingkat (tiffin carrier) tray. Kwali: Remove all except a couple of tablespoons of the oil from the kwali. Wok: Gentle kwangs on the wok and gentle soothing cooking motions are especially useful to punctuate twists of plots and also help stimulate tear ducts (92). Dress: orchid dress: The designer of this creation spent two hours sketching orchids at the Bontanie Gardens before she was satisfied enough to start drawing out the dress. It was yet another attempt to redetine the orchid dress. Japanese slippers: He wore a singlet and bermudas and Japanese slippers. baju kurong: Baju kurong is a must-wear for Malay women on Hari Raya, and the show displayed traditional as well as updated versions of the baju kurong. sarong and songkok: A quick change, then dressed in sarong and songkok, members would head for Friday prayers at the nearby Sultan Mosque (93). Buildings: void deck (93): There are Cosy Corners à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ each with a kitchen, toilet and Tv area à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ in the void desks of four blocks for the residents to mingle. terrace apartments (96): The project comprisescondominium units, terrace apartments and a clubhouse in Johor Baru. People and relationships: people bonding: Spirits roused by the Singapore Cheer, the show of Singaporean solidarity was visible proof of the people bonding that Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong had spoken of in his National Day Message. confinement dish/dish: Says Ng Soing Mui in her book The Chinese Pregnany and Confinement Diet.. (96). Some of the terms used in Singapore English may sometimes be misunderstood by speakers from other countries because of the Semantic shifts that occurred. For example, Australians might find the describtion of windy for homes as a negative feature in a for sale advertisement but Singaporeans consider windy as breezy and therefore a positive feature. The term bungalow as used in Singapore is positive, and this particularly unit of dwelling is the most highly sought and priced on the property market. But in the American context, it could refer to shack or a hovel. Examples of semantic shifts: bungalow: Residents of neighborhood say another vacant blue bungalow is also being used as a teen hideway. stay vs. live : Failure to stay within the deficit may endanger plans to get new loans from abroad. Some of them are regular customers and some are those who live nearby who come to dispose of cans and paper (Kawaguchi, Minegishi Durand:2009:96-97). Teachers and language educators should be well informed of the distinctions between lexical terms in standard international English and the innovative forms that they have taken in standard Singapore English. For example, a SSE bath is cold water, while a SBrhE bath is a hot tub. In SBrE bungalows are often located at the seaside and are popular as retirement homes for old people because they have no stairs (Brown 1999:38). In Singapore, the meaning of bungalow has been extended to form its original to detached dwelling not necessarily single single storey to mean a large private house. In SSE people get burned while doing foolish acts such as investing in stock markets during uncertain times, while in SBrE, It is the fingers that get burned doing similar foolhardiness (Kawaguchi, Minegishi Durand:2009:99). Distinct developments and innovations are recognizeable on both fronts, the standard and the non-standard varieties of Singapore English because English is used both as an international lingua franca as well as a national lingua franca by Singaporeans (Kawaguchi, Minegishi Durand:2009:99-100). The most colloquial varieties are used among friends, families, relatives and work mates. Singaporeans are aware that their many local terms and expressions used in day to day spontaneous interactions such as the ubiquitous use of pragmatic particles ( lah, hor, meh, ah, is it etc) as well as lexical items such as goondu (from the Tamil, to mean a fool), gabra (from Malay to mean, easily shaken and panicky) may make them mainly unintelligible to others from outside Singapore. They would most likely not use these lexical items with outsiders. However, they are sometimes unaware that some lexical innovations in their SSE may give rise to some miscommunication in international conversations (Kawaguchi, Minegishi Durand:2009:100). The distinctive cultural identity must show through the new texts, spoken as well as written, and the new writing of cultures. Singapore is multilingual and multiracial has a local educated local variety of English that is internationally intelligible , this variety has not been codified. It had been serving as an intra-nationally lingua franca for the different ethnic groups. It is used in daily social exchange processes. It gained institutional support and has been used as a medium of instruction. It carries Singapore identities and context in Singaporean text in English (Smith Forman:1997:176-177). Multilingual populations have a greater linguistic threshold and are sharper in their linguistic reflexes. Innovations mean keeping abreast not achieving purification. To accept that innovation is an essential characteristic of World Englishes is to recognize its implicitly that borrowings, loan words and new collocations (grammar and phraseology) are inescapable (Smith Forman:1997:178). Depth, Rigidity, and Opacity form one end of the spectrum; Breadth, Flexibility and Transparency form the other end. These features will ensure vital, volatile and vibrant new Englishes with unique expressions such as found in Singapore English: choose, choose, choose. Choose the whole shop and then dont buy or people bonding or incense burning bins and confinement servants (Smith Forman:1997:179).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Moving forward, strategies to enhance participation have been established by researchers to address the prominent needs of women participating in clinical trials.5 There is a need to understand special populations, their culture and past experiences within the healthcare community. Fears and mistrust usually are found to contrive from culture barriers and negative past experiences. Secondly, the establishment of community partnerships provides for effective communication. Strategies to link with communities must be based on the existing relationships between investigators and the communities to which participants are sought. A reconceptualization of the research process for underrepresented participants is necessary.5 Women with negative views towards the participation in research need to perceive involvement in clinical trials as a method for advancing women’s health. Promotion of research through existing relationships with leaders of the community and investigators creates a method of effective trust in the recruitment of participants from the community. Some research institutions have even drafted guidelines for the development and implementation of clinical trials for specific underrepresented communities. The guidelines promote active engagement of community partners in the study design and protocol of the study. Allowing community partners to have influence in the direction of the project to ensure original goals are adhered to appropriately. Highlighting the concept of research projects should be to benefit the community and community members should be involved in the interpretation of data. For the future, continuation of partnerships between community members and researchers after the project is completed is highly reco... ...through involvement in clinical studies. Ethical principles and guidelines must be unambiguous and help increase the advancement of women’s health through clinical trials not impede. Finally, efforts to acquire more information about women to improve women’s health will only result in dismay without strong ethical principles implemented for protection. Thus the establishment of ethical principles, by the support of the FDA and other organizations, will aid in improving the overall process of advancing women’s health by eliminating unethical events involving women and providing guidelines for the design of clinical trials specific to women. There is much to accomplish for the advancements in women’s health in the future, but new breakthroughs in science and innovations lie in the future with the identification of ethical challenges and the discovery of new solutions.